As a grumpy old software engineer, I complain about other people's software a lot, as shown in this blog. But I must say, Planview has to be on top of the pile for being arrogant, stupid and time-wasting. I am no management expert -- I am not even a manager, but this message is a bit too much -- I don't know what you think.
The problem is caused by me closing the lid on my laptop before I finished what I was doing. When I came back to it, the session apparently timed out. I clicked on something and was shown this message implying that I might be treated as a criminal -- One would expect that a leader in an industry could at least be able to tell a simple timed out session from a criminal attack.
As for what I was doing, well -- I don't even want to go there. Here is my take on Planview: If your company is planning to implement this software and you have any say in that decision process at all, fight against it with all you have got. You will thank yourself down the road if you still work for the same organization.