Saturday, November 6, 2010

No Short URL on Flickr?

Kiva KoffeehouseI tried to put a Google Maps link to the Kiva Koffeehouse in the description of my photo on Flickr, Flickr keeps saying There was an error.

Posting a comment with the link, Flickr says: Hey! A URL or phrase that you tried to post has been used for abuse on Flickr before. (ex. SPAM) If that's you, stop it! If that's not you, sorry, but you can't post it.

So, Flickr seems to have effectively banned short URLs, or at least Google's short links.

That seems to be an unfair practice. But I guess Flickr has no good way to work around short linked web pages using photos shared on Flickr without linking back.

1 comment:

  1. Did you know that you can shorten your links with AdFly and make dollars for every visitor to your shortened links.
